Sunday, July 28, 2013


These pictures were taken the beginning of spring before we put the baby bantys in the pen.  It is also prior to Keith our Blue Andalusian continuously attacking me.  I know his breed is very aggressive and had I known he was an Andalusian I would have done things differently.....mainly I would have made him have respect for me, but instead I made friends and we were great friend to point of  doing  "Hugs & Kisses" which is Keith on the roost giving me soft pecks (through a screen door). Actually he still wants to do that even though just a split second before he drew blood on me.  I will NEVER understand him!!! 
I will have some more pictures soon I just keep forgetting to bring my camera when I go to feed them.  Of course I have to have someone watch out for Keith because he is a sucker puncher and if I turn my back on him he will attack!  I am hoping that when we "thin the herd" all of the "big" chickens will be the ones to go.  I have 30+ chickens and 2 ducks (actually I would love to see the ducks go they are messy and a big pain in the butt!)  My dream would be to keep all the bantys because cleaning especially in the winter will be much easier to clean and less poop!  Small chickens =  less poop!  Oh so I'm hoping so!  I will miss the "girls" but I will still have two Buff Orpingtons  Hilda May and Hazel.  They grew up with the bantys so they have to stay some of the bantys think they are "Mom".

Well I'm off to feed the crew so more later........

Sunday, July 21, 2013

It's Mid Summer

I can't believe how incredibly busy I've been this summer!  Both my grandkids birthdays are in the summer and that requires a 5 hour drive to Omaha, Ne!  We have already gotten Parker's birthday done and over with but Zoey's is coming up in August, she will be 2 yrs old already!!

I have not been neglecting my chickens though!  We have lost another one of the girls, Oreo, she is a Barred Rock she passed away last week, so sad.  We also lost another one, Spottie, she didn't die, but my Dr.'s wife came over and let the two ducks out to swim (yes the ducks are in with the chickens, I don't really care for it but that is the way it is).  Well, she absentmindedly left the pen door open and Spottie took off.  She has always been a runner, but this time she really did get away.  What irks me about this whole thing is she was the last of the first flock we had she was 9 years old.  I'm sure a critter has gotten her by now since our coop buts up against a bean field.  Spottie was a Silver Spangled Hamburg she was so sweet.  Just gotta look at the up side things I guess, she is probably with her twin sister Dottie now.

We are a little banty heavy this year.  We have 4 banty roos, 2 banty hens...and 15 banty babies and we are not sure what the ratio is roos/hens for sure, but I know we have at least 5 roos just because they are now crowing!

We have only 4 big hens and 2 big roosters.  Keith our Blue Andalusian has become extremely mean especially to me and Doc.  I want him gone for the simple fact that I don't get to enjoy the chickens we have because I'm always on guard.  Without fail I am attacked several times while in the pen trying to feed and water.  He just needs to go!  

Doc wants to "thin the herd" so we only have about 20 in our flock, less mess, less stink.  I am bucking for the all the "big" ones to go and maybe some of the little ones as well. I really don't want to get rid of any of the bantys I just love these chickens!!!  We shall see how this all plays out in the coming weeks.  Hopefully I will remember to take my camera and get some good pictures of the "girls".
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