The baby chicks are no longer sequestered! They have joined the others on Tuesday, they were a little apprehensive about leaving their side of the pen but we had one brave chick that tested the waters and the rest followed! Today when we fed them everyone was mingling just fine. No fighting at all except for poor Fiona, she is 9 yrs old and you can see she has some problems but seems to get along OK until one of the "teenagers" was picking on her. They like to walk past her and peck her on her head. It makes me so mad when they do that!! They have no respect for the elderly! 😈🐔
We really need to clean out the coop and figure out what we are going to do for the winter. The chickens are so messy! And, I think we have too many to winter all of them in the coop. I also have to figure out how to keep the waterer from being crapped in hopefully we can get this done before it snows or gets too cold. Last year we had winter sneak up on us and didn't get the waterer situation taken care of because I was always scrubbing poop off of the waterer! That is a job I HATE! Some days I wish we would ship the chickens off for the winter like we used to but that is not going to happen!