It's been a long while since I've posted, actually years! Well, I'm back with a whole new flock! Pictures are coming soon! None of the chickens that will be pictured are related to this flock. The old ones are R.I.P and a new bunch has taken their place!
I lost my favorite rooster this past fall. Spike was a Mille Fleur d'Uccle Bantam. Many tears were shed for this little guy he was my everything! I would love to get another one but I'm afraid that it would not be the same.
We do have some new chickens though, I ordered two Lavender Orpingtons which are just beautiful!
I also ordered two of my favorite breeds, a Silver Laced Wyandotte and a Golden Laced Wyandotte. I named them Holly and Dolly. We did have a Chocolate Orpington but she passed away last week, she was a beautiful chicken!
I have babies out in my garage, I ordered Black Copper Marans, unfortunately, something got four of the nine. We have to reinforce the pen better so that doesn't happen again.